Services and Specializations:

  • What services does Dawn Till Dusk Landscaping offer?
  • Can you provide more details about the services offered?

Service Areas and Education:

  • Where does Dawn Till Dusk Landscaping operate?
  • How can clients stay informed about new services your company offers as your team continues their education?

Hours and Free Estimates:

  • What are the office hours for scheduling consultations?
  • How can clients request a free, no-obligation estimate?

Scheduling and Project Timeline:

  • What is the typical availability timeline for your crew, and how long does it generally take to complete projects?

      We're all about efficiency! Most projects wrap up in a sweet 1-2 days. Hardscape and arborist services might take a bit longer, but trust us – it's worth the wait!

Materials and Delivery:

  • Do clients need to handle the delivery of materials?
  • What types of materials does Dawn Till Dusk Landscaping use, and are they sourced locally?

      We're all about quality that lasts, using top-notch materials that have the stamp of approval from many happy clients. And guess what? Whenever we can, we shop local to boost our community and support small businesses.

Routine Maintenance:

  • Can clients customize their maintenance schedule, and what options are available?

      Yes, clients can customize their maintenance schedule based on their specific needs. We offer flexibility with options such as monthly, bimonthly, seasonally (9 months/year), quarterly, and annually. Biweekly service is typically reserved for commercial purposes.

Payment and Pricing:

  • What payment methods are accepted, and are there any additional fees for certain payment options?

      Paying is a breeze! Checks to Dawn Till Dusk Landscaping, credit cards online or over the phone (with a teensy 2.7% processing fee), cash, or even electronic payments through Zelle. Need more details? We're just a call away.

  • How can clients inquire about pricing for specific services?

      Got a burning question about pricing? We're all ears, ready to chat about your specific needs and craft a quote that fits just right.

Insurance and Licenses:

  • What licenses and certifications does our company hold?

      Safety first, always! Our team is decked out with general liability insurance and workman's compensation. We've got you covered, literally. 

      We are proudly licensed with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, holding ROC #343537 BOND JT002929, where regulation meets integrity.

Client Involvment:

  • Is there a collaborative process for clients to work with our team during the project?
  • How can clients share their preferences or design ideas with your team?

Emergency Services:

  • Does Dawn Till Dusk provide emergency services, and how can clients request them?
  • What is the typical response time for on-site resolution in emergency situations?

Resolutions and Concerns:

  • How should clients report any issues?

Training and Hiring:

  • How can clients be confident in the expertise of Dawn Till Dusk Landscaping employees?
  • How can I apply for a position at Dawn Till Dusk Landscaping?

Still Have Questions? Contact us directly.